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Daily Archives: December 30th, 2013



I saw this awhile ago and it seems like this is a good time to post it, having just hosted a house full of people.

I am introverted.  I am very introverted.  If there were such a thing, I could be considered pathologically introverted (this is not a thing and actually, it’s kind of insulting to say this to an introvert because introversion isn’t a disease or a defect.  You should probably only allow an introvert to call themselves pathologically introverted and even then, they probably won’t unless they have a particularly dark and morbid sense of humor.).  Anyway, I’m just trying to emphasize that there is no extraversion in my nature.  You may have kind of picked that up here.  I am not mildly introverted.

That being said, I know I come off as being unfriendly to many people.  Possibly kind of a jerk because I am so unfriendly.  That is not entirely the case.  I do not disagree that I can be unfriendly but I’m not necessarily as unfriendly as you think.  I just don’t have the energy and motivation to interact with you especially if you’re going to try and talk my ear off.  I’m willing to listen to your stories up to a point, but if you never shut up, you are on the list of people to try and avoid.  Why?  Because it’s TIRING to be around you.

And you take up a lot of time.  Not that time has a whole lot to do with being introverted.  You just have to remember that I’m an engineer too.  I have a mild obsession with efficiency.  I’ve found that people who want to talk you to death often also want your full attention the entire time.  This is not efficient as well as tiring.  Especially if I’m not interested in what your brother’s friend’s cousin’s mother’s uncle’s hamster did over the weekend.

So, that illustrated guide to interacting with an introvert?  It’s really helpful to know if you’re going to try and interact with me.  Which you probably won’t.  Because I’m probably avoiding you.  Because I’m pathologically introverted (not at thing).

Obtw, graphics link back to source.