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Have you seen this?  If you haven’t, you should go read it.  It’s ok.  I’ll wait.

So…wow.  Right?  What is the lesson being taught here exactly?  That you should look for a loophole and whine until you get your way?  That consequences shouldn’t really be enforced?  The kid signed the academic honesty agreement, so he knew the consequences of cheating.  Even if the rules ended up being a bit vague, isn’t it still the school’s prerogative to enforce their choice of the iteration of rules?  They were both there.  And if it were unclear, it should have been mentioned when the kid signed it.  What, people don’t read contracts anymore?

Even if they decided that the rules were confusing and that they wouldn’t enforce them to the letter, why is it so important that the kid remain in the honors English class?  The original punishment was to be kicked out of the English class AND out of the IB program AND the cheating would have been put on record AND he wouldn’t have graduated with the IB diploma.  The school lessened the punishment to being allowed to participate in the IB program still with no mention of cheating on his record, but he’d still kicked out of honors English.  This seems like an incredible deal to me.  The key being that no mention of cheating would be going onto permanent record.  Being able to participate in IB still is a bonus.  But the kid’s family rejected it.  They want everything.  What.

I.  Just.  Don’t.  Understand.

But anyhow, the punishment that the parents may have inflicted on this kid may be a lot worse than what they had anticipated with this lawsuit.  Granted, the kid’s name is never mentioned, but his grade and school are mentioned.  His dad’s name is mentioned.  What’s going to keep the admissions department of every college from keeping track of any Berghouses coming out from Sequoia High in a couple of years?  These parents may have screwed their kid over for life.

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