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Daily Archives: January 7th, 2013

I’ve been going through the archives of old Radiolab podcasts.  Radiolab is one of my favorite NPR-distributed shows.  I like it possibly more than This American Life or The Story.  Um…I really like stories, ok?

Anyway, I’ve been listening to all these old Radiolab podcasts while I work and one of them really caught my attention in how ridiculous the story was.  Here, I’ll link you to it.  It’s a story about a botfly.  I was going to embed a player directly into my post, but it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to do that until I’m completely self-hosted.  Um…I don’t know when that’ll be because I’m exceptionally lazy when I have time and exceptionally busy when I don’t have time.  Anyway, give it a listen.  The story that really amuses me is only the first 11 minutes or so of the segment.

Listening to the podcast, or at least this segment of the podcast, caused me to see all manner of ridiculous mental images.  Here are some poor renditions of what I saw:

WP_20130106_006They were just some quick doodles.  Also yes, I have a scanner and I could have scanned it, but my phone was closer and it takes less steps to snap a photo than scan something.